The Christie Gee Podcast.

Ep. 018: A conversation about equality with Lloyd Vines

Episode Notes

In this episode (018) I chat about the Black Lives Matter movement with my friend Lloyd Vines! BLM is something that is so so very SO important! I understand that as a white woman in America I do not have the voice or understanding to speak fully about these issues. I want to use this podcast as a platform for voices to be heard on these issues from friends who can speak on them. <3 I met Lloyd via our mutual pal Chris Conley recently. The two of them have been collaborating on music projects. Lloyd is an artist, skateboarder and all around super rad human and I am blessed to call him a friend! He is  currently working on an album that I am so dang pumped to hear and I will have him back on the show soon to chat about it! In THIS episode  we discuss his life and what it is like to be a person of color in the alternative music scene who loves punk rock, emo and skateboarding. Lloyd also shares personal stories of his life, situations he has faced with police over the years and his hope for the future of humanity.

We hope that with this conversation we can help spread awareness about the BLM movement.  

Here are some great links you should check out!

This link here has so much goodness! Links galore that support BLM!  

Black Lives Matter.

The conversation Lloyd had with Chris Conley about the realities of being black in America.

Lloyd’s Instagram! Follow Him!

Llyod’s music!!

Gabe Niles, Lloyd’s friend he chats about in the conversation!


Thank you all so much for your support! Please share with your friends!

<3 Christie

You can follow me on Instagram as well for updates on future episodes!